I Can’t Do This Alone – Part III

Dr. I. David Byrd,  March 1, 2020
Pastor Sheffield teaches, “To the disciples who were as disconcerted about their lives as we often are about ours, Jesus said: You don’t have to do this alone!


“The Holy Spirit will come and help you,
because the Father will send the Spirit
to take my place …
So don’t be worried or afraid”
John 14:26-27 CEV


The teaching in John takes us back before the crucifixion, when Jesus’ disciples were, perhaps, only beginning to realize the political realities of Jesus’ situation. It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to fight “City Hall.” It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to stand for right in face of wrong. It wasn’t any easier than it is for you or me for Jesus to make hard decisions. And the Bible never tells us it will get easier. What it does tell us is that when it gets harder, we can hold fast to God’s promise to be with us and not to leave us hanging out there alone. Jesus knew full well that those who hang in there sometimes get hung out to dry, and even hung on a cross to die. He is not denying that reality. He is pointing to a greater reality — the presence of God with you and me, knowing full well how hard it is for you and me to hear it.



English tends to limit our understanding of the role of God’s Spirit with us. The New Revised Standard Version translates the Holy Spirit as “Advocate”, one who stands up for us, who speaks out for us, who acts on our behalf. But even that doesn’t go far enough in telling us what it means to say the Spirit of God is with us. The Greek word parakletos, means to be with you forever. Yes, he stands up for us, but the “Paraclete” that Jesus promised is also the one who comforts us and holds us accountable and exhorts us to do the same for each other. To do the same for each other is to do what Jesus said, when he said, “If you love Me, you will do as I command. Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you” (John 14:15 CEV). What He’s telling you is He’ll be there for you even when it seems in what you do, you’re all alone.”


Father, we are thankful for the earthly community that supports us in times of trouble. And we are even more thankful for the Holy Spirit you have sent to ensure we don’t have to live life alone. We repent for being so prideful to think we can handle life on our own; that we don’t need anyone with which to share our burdens.


In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

One Reply to “I Can’t Do This Alone – Part III”

  1. Dr. I. David Byrd…. Thank You for this inciteful, encouraging reflection. It comes at a critical junction of my life and ministry journey. Perhaps we’ll have opportunity to touch base soon.

    God Bless,
    Dr. Bowyer Gates Freeman

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