leadership advance

Helping teens become secure in their identity when their character is tested.

Destination Destiny provides after school and weekend mentoring relationship with youth in the 9th to 12th grades. We  equip young people with the skills, knowledge and understanding to evaluate for themselves the messages they are receiving from culture, music, peer pressure, the influence of celebrities and the media.  Helping them sort through all these messages and to look at the world from a broader perspective.

Our main objective is to act as positive role models helping young people understand that they can have high character and still be relevant to their peers.  Our volunteer mentors are of the highest standards and seek first to understand our young people, the trials they go through every day, and why it is sometimes difficult for them follow their faith and live it out in practice.

We focus on what we call relationship building activities instead of programs because by their nature programs have a start and end date.  Young people need long term relationships that show you are concerned for their well being, answers the why you care question and allows trust to develop.

Our Relationship Building Activities include:



Teens come together for a weekend retreat to discuss topics that are impacting their lives in their home, schools and communities.  Guest speakers in the area of student interest headline each workshop, provide insight and lead discussions that unpack the subjects that young people care most about.  The final workshop is a life planning session and each teen leaves with a plan to address the individual conditions that could delay or derail their destiny.



The dictionary defies accelerate as changing the velocity or direction. To reduce the time required to reach a certain point by intensifying the work or eliminating distractions. This series accelerates how destiny transformation is developed, validated and executed through the recognization of the complex dynamics of peer pressure. Teens participate in a 3-month high-character development workshop that uses an alliteration of the letters “V” and “A” to addresses seven lifestyle components critical for successfully reaching their destiny. Utilizing a progressional training methodology, we teach teens how to effectively navigate peer pressure understanding the cumulative affect of their daily choices and decisions.

Values determine who or what will be attracted to their life


Volitions govern their choices &  decisions about life    


Vision manifest their passion, potential and purpose for their life



Dedication, discipline and desire!!!

We support students as they matriculate to and through college to achieve a 100% graduation rate. We provide positive reinforcement thru:

Mentors that “walk alongside”;

Communication care packages;

Financial support for incidentals;

Personal campus visits;

Assistance with career exploration;

Connection to internship opportunities.


Ultimately, our volunteers are a sounding board for the challenges of college life.