The Journey 2023







Your practical, inspirational resource

for supporting your spiritual walk.


I am honored that for the fifth year you have again granted me the confidence to continue writing and imparting wisdom and knowledge on your behalf. 

2023 will focus on how to flourish as a giver in a world that reward takers. Character 

We’ll assist you in developing your passions, seeking out your purpose, and realizing your possibilities.


We often speak of the unconscious biases we all have, yet I would argue that we are the conscious awareness that notices things about us.

We’ll hold up a mirror for you to see your blind spots and hold you accountable to work through your sore spots. We’ll take responsibility for making you better, but not credit for your accomplishments.  

It’s a guide for you bringing out the best in others, simultaneously being supportive, moderately challenging, and giving more than lip service to the notion of putting people first. 

“For God so loved that he gave. . . “ Destination Destination follows His lead and exist “to serve and not be served.”

So, we’ll practice radical empathy, for others and most importantly for yourself everyday. And if things are messed up inside right now, it can be made beautiful again – just like an an old road that needs to be repaired and resurfaced. 

Most times we approach things in the wrong way; seeking to identify what needs to be changed or repaired. Reality is that what we should be asking is: Why am I this way? That way we can get rid of those things. Instead of trying to use the outside to fix what’s wrong inside, we need to explore why it’s not nice to begin with. Understanding your why will help you identify How you reconcile.

Our 2023 Journey will be a fundamental exploration of your self and achieving acceptance. There are only three things you experience that determine what you do: the outside world; your thoughts; and your feelings or emotions.

The ride will be full of hills and valleys.  There will also be long stretches of flat road. Don’t miss the scenery you discover along the way. Always remember, it’s about the Journey not the destination. 

Enjoy the Journey . . .