Helping Young People To Boldly Proclaim Their Faith



I had an incredible session on Saturday with a group of young people from all over Illinois and Indiana.  These young people were from multiple denominations and multiple geographical areas(Rural, suburban and Urban).  One of the subjects they discussed that stood out to me was the challenge of being bold in their faith in school, home and in their community.  They felt that while youth workers in their various youth groups are great at leading them to Christ; they aren’t as effectively in equipping them to boldly proclaim their faith in school faced with the immense peer pressure to conform to the world.

After the session I began to wonder how many other young people are in this same boat?   My question to youth workers around the country is – what are your methods of internationally in teaching young people to walk broadly in their faith outside Youth Group?  What are they describing to you as the push back they get from friends or others in their school or community?

What are your young people saying, please have them complete the 3 question What Challenges You?  survey — , so you can compare their answers to those of the rest of the country.  The results are free and available under the Survey Results tab.  The Results are updated every Saturday.

One of the students shared the following website discussion on this topic from  and wanted to share it with you.  Below is a highlight of that website conversation between 3 people:


New Believer

Does anyone else get convicted of this? Before I became a Christian, I would have never been seen telling others about God. I would have never been seen worshiping, praying, or reading the Bible. The day I got saved, I wanted to tell others about Christ. It’s a struggle that I have because I’m always worried that I’ll say the wrong thing. But I get convicted about it if I get the need to share Christ with others, and I don’t. When I do, I start to worry about what others think. Do people think I’m a hypocrite? Do other Christians think I’m weird? Should I be sharing this with others or keep it to myself? These thoughts continue to shut me down. 

I’m sometimes afraid to proclaim my faith because it’s so looked down on these days. Even some Christians aren’t doing it. It’s like they say they know Christ but they blend in with the rest of the world. It’s hard for me to do this because I don’t want to. 

All of my life, I’ve been a very closed and reserved person. Lately I’ve been wanting to open up to others. God has been telling me that I must come out of my shell. But I wonder why God would want me to do this because I have so much self-doubt. I feel like a person who has nothing to offer to others. It’s like I have this nagging doubt that’s telling me to shut up and give up; God would never have a purpose for me.  

I need advice from someone. Is it normal to want to boldly talk about God? Do you ever think people who always talk about God are fakes? Also did you ever get confused about what God wanted you to do? It seems like God wants me to try to learn to talk to others more, but I have this nagging doubt that is discouraging me.

I’m at the point where I’m generally comfortable with talking about God, it’s not all that different from talking about other things where I have a strong belief. If you’re a Christian, then God’s inside of you. You are not only legally aligned with Christ, but Christian beliefs are a major part of who you are. 



A trick I guess, to getting comfortable with it is to read the Bible every day, spending good time in thought and prayer about what you’ve read, and what God would have you do. If you immerse yourself in something, it will come out of your mouth. This isn’t to say that you don’t pray for boldness and depend on God for boldness, but you do consume his word on a regular basis so that you can hear him all the clearer. When you’re doing that, it’s amazing how the Holy Spirit can use you in ways that you would never expect.

Note that this isn’t speaking up out of guilt. I think this is a very common mistake among Christians. You probably know the drill by now – the Holy Spirit prompts you to speak to someone, you keep your mouth shut, and out of guilt you try to overcompensate. I believe we really need to accept the Lord’s forgiveness and move on rather than to try and force open windows which have long since closed. No, for those people, you should be moved to prayer – and maybe, God will open up another window. But you need to forgive yourself and move on, being ready but having no guilt. If that window doesn’t happen again in the next week, then God knows what he’s doing. He’s allowing you to grow before the next time with that person, if there is one – and growing always takes a while.



Dear New_Believer. In Matthew, chapter 22, verses 35-40, Jesus tells a Lawyer: ” The first and great Commandment is: Love thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. The second is like it: Love thy neighbour as thyself.” Then Jesus states this fact: ” On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” It is Love what God wants from us, selfless and beneficial. Instead of telling people about your faith, let them see your Love for God and for your neighbour, and only when you are being asked why, or told you are very kind, let your Love for God and for your neighbour become a talking-point. God will give you opportunities, and then your deeds speak for themselves. You will find in time, that being helpful and kind, and never use angry or hurtful words, will testify to your faith much more than ever words can do. When the Bible tells us to Repent, it is telling us to change from being selfish and unloving, to being loving and caring, to be a representative of our loving God. God is our Heavenly Father, and Jesus died that we might live, show your love to God and to your neighbour, ( all you know and all you meet) with following the two most important Commandments. God will see your efforts, and God will approve and bless you, New_Believer. You might stumble often, but get up and ask God`s forgiveness, and God will forgive you as you will forgive all who sin/transgress against you. You will find too, that by reading out of the Bible and asking Jesus to help and guide you, words will come quite easy to you. I say this with love and assurance. Greetings from Emmy, your sister in Christ.



How are you equipping young people to boldly proclaim their faith in your youth groups?  Share your methods with us by joining the conversation; you will be a blessing to the other readers.

Don’t Neglect Your First Ministry












We in the ministry spend considerable time with young people or Youth Workers at the expense of our families.  This simple post is designed to remind you to not neglect taking time to get away with your family.  Take time to rev up your family relationship, read, rest and recharge.  (Oh yes, and let your wife shop)  Before you can be a blessing to anyone else, your own home must first be blessed.  Home ministry is the God-given requirement we have as husbands or wives to love our spouses as God loves us.  If we are parents, it includes our role to love and raise our children according to His truth.  The Bible commands us to invest in our spouse and children by nurturing them, helping them develop intellectually, physically, relationally, and spiritually.

A Husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25)

Wives are to submit to their husbands “as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22)

Parents are to raise godly children to be the next generation of those who love the Lord with all their hearts (Proverbs 22:6Ephesians 6:4)

The scriptural order of priorities is God, spouse, children and then others.


Thanks for reading


Stay encouraged, stay engaged and don’t give up on our young people.  It’s not their desire to fall so hold them up.

Debunking the Misperceptions, Misunderstandings and Misrepresentations of Urban Ministry





Today we will layout a foundational picture to help those with the intent of serving in urban communities across America understand what urban ministry is and isn’t and how to successfully minister to young people in your community.

In summary – The dynamics of urban ministry are like a Hologram composed of endless layers. Each layer with its unique idiosyncrasies adds many additional non-parallel layers, but all the layers are in relationship of varying impact and influence.



So let’s break this complex statement into a few of its distinctive:


 1.  Urban ministry is African, African American, Asian, Caucasian, Chinese, Haitian, Hispanic, and several other multicultural groups. 

For the last 10 years I have watched and witnessed a significant uptick in the number of groups, organizations and individuals from outside the urban community trying to come into the urban community with their definitions of urban and versions of “how to do urban youth ministry” curriculum and programs.  The conversation really starts with – how are you defining Urban?  Are you really trying to say minorities or are you looking at the intercity which is a melting pot of all different races, religions and denominations.  Tightly compacted groups of people trying to live together in harmony.  Each race living integrated with, next to or near other races.  Each community with it’s unique set of challenges.  Those challenges are community based not race based.

Implications: No one group defines urban ministry, no single solution exist to minister to urban young people.  Biblical principles or precepts are not racial they are inclusive.  Ministry is relational, the more we are in relationship with each other the better we can all minister to young people.



 2. There are a significant number of urban leaders doing great things to engage and equip young people, but are not trying to hype it.

I continuously see people from outside the urban communities come in with perceptions that they need to teach urban leaders how to do ministry.  They don’t take the time to first observe or listen directly to those currently ministering.  To ask questions and gain an understanding of what they are currently doing.  To engage in a dialogue of what they feel is and isn’t working and what is the uniqueness of the environment in which they minister.  They don’t seek out the successful leaders to avoid having to viewing them as equals.  I understand the concept – you associate with whom you know.  But like Nehemiah who unless he first assessed the damage and examined the degree of brokenness, couldn’t begin to know what that job would entail.

Implications: The view of those inside your circle can become limited and jaded based on false assumptions and bias.    Take the time develop relationships with leaders in the urban community and learn what they are doing.  Seek first to understand what the different leaders are doing.  You will find they have innovative ministries that they don’t spend time promoting; they just keep doing good things with young people.



 3. The issues of urban youth are not different from that of suburban and rural youth

Young people face a common set of issues across all communities.  The difference comes in the veracity and manifestation in each environment.   Sexual pressure, bulling, peer pressure, anger, gender identity, self-confidence, drugs and alcohol, respect for parents, rejection, violence, wise choices of music, media and friends.  It’s everywhere.  Some suburban and rural communities are experiencing these at a greater rate than some urban communities.

Implications: Don’t immediately assume every urban kids life experiences are negative.  The key is being relational and intentional in understanding the challenges your young people face and helping them use biblical principals to deal with these challenges within the context of the environment in which they exist.  Focus on bringing them from where they are to where they need to be.



 4. You need more than an urban curriculum to minister to urban youth. 

Everyone wants to be helpful and valuable, but there is no turnkey solution.  You must invest the time to understand the challenges young people face and prayerfully seek God for direction in helping ground them in the biblical solutions to the challenges they face.  If you travel across the country you will find different views of ministering to kids from city to city.  Contrasting views even within the different communities OF each city.  There are churches that are in desperate need of resources; on the other end there are churches that have significant resources.  There are Caucasian churches in the heart of what were traditionally black communities.  And there are black and Hispanic churches in wealthy communities.  There are international churches that speak only their native language and there are international churches that speak English.

Implications: There is no “one size fits all” turnkey solution, every ministry must be customized to fit the specific needs of its group in the context of the beliefs of its congregation.



5. There is no one person that can speak on behalf of the entire urban community

Each person can give you A perspective, not THE perspective.  When someone claims to be the “expert” in urban youth ministry, first ask him or her to describe the community from which they come, the resources available to them, the size of their congregation, the central focus of their ministry, the demographics of the people they minister to and their denominational background.  And then most importantly, have them compare that to another community in which they have served young people.  Not gone in and preached then left, but where they have actually served.

Implications: Those with the biblical responsible for bringing up the next generation of young people must be able to clearly discern the advice they are getting and the affects it will have on the lives of those young people under their unique care.  Listen to their experiences, but then run it through the filter of your specific community.  My father use to say – “chew the meat and spit out the bone”



 6. Hip Hop does not define the urban youth ministry culture

Culture varies from church to church and community to community.  Hip Hop is not the music of every urban person; baggie jeans and hoodies are not the choice of clothing for every person.  Too many stereotypes are attached to urban that only fit a segment of the population.  There are urban churches where young people are engaged and have a thirst for God.  Where parents are involved and men are engaged in the lives of young people.  There are churches with a mix of those attributes and unfortunately, there are churches with very little of this.

Implications: Taylor your approach to fit the uniqueness of the community in which you minister.  Understand there are kids that like opera, camping and who desire to play musical instruments.  Every young person does not want to be rappers, athletes or entertainers.



7. Urban Youth ministry does not have to replicate the secular world and move away from religion in order to be relevant and draw young people to Jesus Christ.

Young leaders are trying to define urban youth ministry as needing to mimic the secular world in dress, style, language and lingo.  There is quite a bit of rhetoric that the church is not relevant because it does not profess the social view they want to live under.  Why would someone want to be part of that which you continuously put down?  The reality is the Bible in Romans 12:1- 2 tells us to be separated from this world – To be in this world but not of this world.  And in the next verse it tells us to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to.

The key to connecting is being relational; it’s about being real with young people.  Its not about trying to act like the them, to dress like them and talk like them.  That’s not how you connect with them.  When they see you have a genuine concern for them, the challenges they face and have the time to walk with them through their challenges.  When they see you care about them and this is not a platform for you to come up, you can draw them in.  Young people are looking for someone to look up to, individuals to model their lives after.   They follow more what you do then what you say.  So make sure your walk is representative of the life you want them to replicate.

If we continue to talk about the church not being relevant and talk down the actions of non-perfect people within the church; then young people will not want to be part of that.  We have to be seen encouraging one another, holding one another up during times of weakness, supporting one another.  Advocating, interceding and mediating on behalf of one another.  But a lot of time is spent putting down churches, church leaders and how what the church is doing is so wrong.


Implications: Young people become confused when we try to be the world.  Because we don’t do the world as well as the world, we look fake and phony to them.  And most importantly, it is the Word of God that saves young people not us.  So bring the Word to the young people.  It will not return void.


Let’s discuss these 7 distinctives, join the conversation.  Let’s hear your thoughts.  Did I miss any?  What would you add?  What additional clarity would you state?


Occasionally, I will have guest writers from all around the country that will bring you different perspectives so you can understand that urban ministries are as different as the leaves on the trees and the snowflakes that fall from the sky.  So you will be able to understand how to approach urban ministry in the demographic community in which you exist.  To help young people deal with the unique challenges they face.  Helping them to engage, discern and make good choices as they walk out their destiny.   Helping them to understand the importance of salvation and living a life that is pleasing to God.


So get ready to engage in a new understanding of urban ministry and the importance of Christian and secular leadership of God’s people.


Welcome to the conversation . . .